About Us
Quality healthcare relies on highly skilled and proficient medical professionals. To achieve this standard, the ongoing process of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plays a pivotal role. CPD represents a continuous and methodical approach to further education, encompassing in-service training and supplementary activities. Its primary aim is to enhance initial educational foundations, ensuring the acquisition of fresh knowledge, skills, and ongoing competence to sustain professional expertise.
In Tanzania, medical practitioners must consistently update their medical knowledge and accumulate CPD points. This requirement mandates that every medical practitioner in Tanzania amass a total of 10 CPD points annually when applying for or renewing their practice licenses.
Addressing these educational gaps, Medical CPD House Medical CPD House (an officially registered non-governmental organization in Tanzania, bearing registration number 00NGO/R/4046 and accredited CPD provider with registration number MCTCPDP135) emerges as a centralized platform, facilitating easy access to current knowledge and skills across various medical disciplines.
The Medical CPD House achieves its goals by;
Conducting research annually to identify areas of medical knowledge and skills that require additional instruction.
Organizes training sessions quarterly in partnership with both public and private hospitals in Tanzania, as well as potential local and international collaborators (onsite approach).
Hosts online presentations weekly in collaboration with local and international experts (online approach)
Objectives of the organization
To promote provision of the widest range of accredited medical courses to medical practitioners in Tanzania.
To enhance user friendly delivery of CPD courses to medical practitioners in Tanzania.
To advocacy current professional development needs of medical practitioners in Tanzania.
Mission Statement
A house where medical practitioners comes out with an-updated medical knowledge for better delivery of healthcare services.
Vision Statement
Better medical knowledge, Better medical practitioners, Better healthcare services